Ashdown Engineering

STOCK B - AGM-30-Offset

ÂŁ799.00 ÂŁ1,269.00
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AGM-30-Offset tĂȘte de guitare toutes lampes 30 watts

InspirĂ© des lĂ©gendaires amplificateurs de guitare britanniques et amĂ©ricains des annĂ©es 60 et 70, l'AGM-30 Offset est un amplificateur de guitare Ă  lampes vĂ©ritablement intemporel et extrĂȘmement polyvalent. Des nettoyages vintage amĂ©ricains et des sons crunch britanniques poussĂ©s jusqu'Ă  des sons plus modernes Ă  gain plus Ă©levĂ© sont tous disponibles. La puissance peut ĂȘtre rĂ©duite en appuyant sur le bouton Stealth de 30 watts jusqu'Ă  2 watts pour une chambre/studio.

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  • Output Power - 30 watts high power/2 watts low power
  • Valves - EL84 x 4, 12AX7 x 4
  • Size (WxHxD) - 526 x 236 x 247
  • Weight - 8.3kg

Close up of the Cascade, bass and middle controls on the Ashdown agm 30 offset

‱ 30 watts from 4 x JJ Electronics EL84 Valves
‱ Twin Channel with 2 x independent gain controls and 2 x Master Volumes
‱ Foot switchable variable global boost
‱ Stealth switch reduces power from 30 watts to around 2 watts
‱ Tone shift button which changes the EQ from USA to UK flavouring
‱ Cascade button – increases pre amp voltage to give higher gain tones
‱ Valve driven FX Loop
‱ Custom UK hand wound transformers
‱ Military grade components
‱ Hand built in the UK Custom Shop
‱ Twin channel with independent gain and master volumes
‱ Global foot switchable boost
‱ Stealth switch reduces power from 30w to 2w
‱ EQ Switch allows the player to choose US or UK tones
‱ Cascade switch - provides increased pre amp volatage for higher gain tones

Close up of the tone, stealth, presence and volume controls on the Ashdown agm 30 offset
Hand crafted in Essex, UK using the finest components available the AGM-30 will provide a lifetime of rich and pure valve guitar tone from both sides of the Atlantic.

Ashdown Engineering was founded in 1997 and has a rich heritage in both bass and guitar amplification producing amplifiers known around the world for their great looks, fantastic tone and ruggedly reliable designs and construction.

Close up of the valves used in the Ashdown agm 30 offset
The Tone push button allows switching between UK/USA flavours of EQ and the unique Cascade feature increases pre amp voltage for increased gain and saturation when required. Combined with a valve driven FX loop, footswitchable variable boost, dual input gain controls and twin master volumes the AGM-30 is supremely versatile.
Dave Green from Ashdown designing the electronics for the Ashdown agm 30 offset
The all new AGM(Ashdown Guitar Magnifier) range marks a return to premium guitar amplification in 2019. Designed in England by renowned British valve amp guru Dave Green the AGM range has been carefully considered, designed and constructed for the modern world where portability, low power options and real valve tones are paramount. Each and every AGM is designed, engineered and lovingly constructed using only the finest components available at the Ashdown HQ in Essex, England.
Close up of the ashdown double wing logo on the Ashdown agm 30 offset
Dave Green explains: “Anything I have designed is from the outset is designed to be repairable should the need ever arise, as with the bass amplifiers the products are built from discrete components with almost all the active components socket mounted for an easy fix. In the case of the AGM range just take a moment to look inside
 all the parts are hand picked from the best manufacturers, all key components are over specified military grade to enable them to perform for a design life of over 15 years. I believe consumers still aspire to purchase top quality long lasting products with a high residual resale value. Quality never goes out of fashion but it does have to be affordable and the AGM range manages to combine these two conflicting requirements effectively.”

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