Gavin Gash Ashley
Gavin "Gash " Ashley is the bassist/ vocalist with Junker - an alternative metal band from the North West of England with a no-nonsense, bass driven sound courtesy of Ashdown. Colliding heavy rock, hardcore punk, indie and funk into a melodically thunderous assault, the band work extremely hard to get a tight sound and do their very best to make sure the crowds leave sonically pumelled and the venues with structural damage. Gash says, "Back in 2003, frustrated after 15 years of never quite achieving THAT perfect bass sound I had always strived for, I finally discovered it with the ABM 500 head, with the ABM cabs 410 and 115. I have never looked back....its been Ashdown all the way. I currently record and tour using the ABM 900 EVO 3 with the monstrous 810 cab." Gash, Proud to be part of the Ashdown Family.
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