Having just noticed a fault from our form provider on the Ashdown Web Site we seem to have not been getting any of your wonderfully inquisitive emails.
This would be why people have been asking if we have been getting your emails and we honestly hadn't. We have been able to get a bulk download from the form provider and will be going through each one slowly but surely as there have been over 200 product registrations and over 200 product inquiries and 200 service inquiries since the start of the year.
We can only apologise and ensure you that we have been able to rectify the issue and are now getting all of your emails once again.
If you have any direct inquiries please use the forms provided or you can also email us or call us on the details below:
General E-Mail:
Phone Number:
+44(0)1621 857 853
The Old Maltings Ind Est. Hall Road, Heyrbidge, Essex, England CM9 4NJ